Version: Main/Unreleased


Your assistant uses policies to decide which action to take at each step in a conversation. There are machine-learning and rule-based policies that your assistant can use in tandem.

You can customize the policies your assistant uses by specifying the policies key in your project's config.yml. There are different policies to choose from, and you can include multiple policies in a single configuration. Here's an example of what a list of policies might look like:

recipe: default.v1
language: # your language
# - <pipeline components>
- name: MemoizationPolicy
- name: TEDPolicy
max_history: 5
epochs: 200
- name: RulePolicy
Starting from scratch?

If you don't know which policies to choose, leave out the policies key from your config.yml completely. If you do, the Suggested Config feature will provide default policies for you.

Action Selection

At every turn, each policy defined in your configuration will predict a next action with a certain confidence level. For more information about how each policy makes its decision, read into the policy's description below. The policy that predicts with the highest confidence decides the assistant's next action.

Maximum number of predictions

By default, your assistant can predict a maximum of 10 next actions after each user message. To update this value, you can set the environment variable MAX_NUMBER_OF_PREDICTIONS to the desired number of maximum predictions.

Policy Priority

In the case that two policies predict with equal confidence (for example, the Memoization and Rule Policies might both predict with confidence 1), the priority of the policies is considered. Rasa policies have default priorities that are set to ensure the expected outcome in the case of a tie. They look like this, where higher numbers have higher priority:

  • 6 - RulePolicy

  • 3 - MemoizationPolicy or AugmentedMemoizationPolicy

  • 2 - UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy

  • 1 - TEDPolicy

In general, it is not recommended to have more than one policy per priority level in your configuration. If you have 2 policies with the same priority and they predict with the same confidence, the resulting action will be chosen randomly.

If you create your own policy, use these priorities as a guide for figuring out the priority of your policy. If your policy is a machine learning policy, it should most likely have priority 1, the same as the TEDPolicy.

overriding policy priorities

All policy priorities are configurable via the priority parameter in the policy's configuration, but we do not recommend changing them outside of specific cases such as custom policies. Doing so can lead to unexpected and undesired bot behavior.

Machine Learning Policies

TED Policy

The Transformer Embedding Dialogue (TED) Policy is a multi-task architecture for next action prediction and entity recognition. The architecture consists of several transformer encoders which are shared for both tasks. A sequence of entity labels is predicted through a Conditional Random Field (CRF) tagging layer on top of the user sequence transformer encoder output corresponding to the input sequence of tokens. For the next action prediction, the dialogue transformer encoder output and the system action labels are embedded into a single semantic vector space. We use the dot-product loss to maximize the similarity with the target label and minimize similarities with negative samples.

If you want to learn more about the model, check out our paper and on our youtube channel. where we explain the model architecture in detail.

TED Policy architecture comprises the following steps:

  1. Concatenate features for

    • user input (user intent and entities) or user text processed through a user sequence transformer encoder,
    • previous system actions or bot utterances processed through a bot sequence transformer encoder,
    • slots and active forms

    for each time step into an input vector to the embedding layer that precedes the dialogue transformer.

  2. Feed the embedding of the input vector into the dialogue transformer encoder.

  3. Apply a dense layer to the output of the dialogue transformer to get embeddings of the dialogue for each time step.

  4. Apply a dense layer to create embeddings for system actions for each time step.

  5. Calculate the similarity between the dialogue embedding and embedded system actions. This step is based on the StarSpace idea.

  6. Concatenate the token-level output of the user sequence transformer encoder with the output of the dialogue transformer encoder for each time step.

  7. Apply CRF algorithm to predict contextual entities for each user text input.


You can pass configuration parameters to the TEDPolicy using the config.yml file. If you want to fine-tune your model, start by modifying the following parameters:

  • epochs: This parameter sets the number of times the algorithm will see the training data (default: 1). One epoch is equals to one forward pass and one backward pass of all the training examples. Sometimes the model needs more epochs to properly learn. Sometimes more epochs don't influence the performance. The lower the number of epochs the faster the model is trained. Here is how the config would look like:

    - name: TEDPolicy
    epochs: 200
  • max_history: This parameter controls how much dialogue history the model looks at to decide which action to take next. Default max_history for this policy is None, which means that the complete dialogue history since session restart is taken into account. If you want to limit the model to only see a certain number of previous dialogue turns, you can set max_history to a finite value. Please note that you should pick max_history carefully, so that the model has enough previous dialogue turns to create a correct prediction. See Featurizers for more details. Here is how the config would look like:

    - name: TEDPolicy
    max_history: 8
  • number_of_transformer_layers: This parameter sets the number of sequence transformer encoder layers to use for sequential transformer encoders for user, action and action label texts and for dialogue transformer encoder. (defaults: text: 1, action_text: 1, label_action_text: 1, dialogue: 1). The number of sequence transformer encoder layers corresponds to the transformer blocks to use for the model.

  • transformer_size: This parameter sets the number of units in the sequence transformer encoder layers to use for sequential transformer encoders for user, action and action label texts and for dialogue transformer encoder. (defaults: text: 128, action_text: 128, label_action_text: 128, dialogue: 128). The vectors coming out of the transformer encoders will have the given transformer_size.

  • connection_density: This parameter defines the fraction of kernel weights that are set to non zero values for all feed forward layers in the model (default: 0.2). The value should be between 0 and 1. If you set connection_density to 1, no kernel weights will be set to 0, the layer acts as a standard feed forward layer. You should not set connection_density to 0 as this would result in all kernel weights being 0, i.e. the model is not able to learn.

  • split_entities_by_comma: This parameter defines whether adjacent entities separated by a comma should be treated as one, or split. For example, entities with the type ingredients, like "apple, banana" can be split into "apple" and "banana". An entity with type address, like "Schönhauser Allee 175, 10119 Berlin" should be treated as one.

    Can either be True/False globally:

    - name: TEDPolicy
    split_entities_by_comma: True

    or set per entity type, such as:

    - name: TEDPolicy
    address: False
    ingredients: True
  • constrain_similarities: This parameter when set to True applies a sigmoid cross entropy loss over all similarity terms. This helps in keeping similarities between input and negative labels to smaller values. This should help in better generalization of the model to real world test sets.

  • model_confidence: This parameter allows the user to configure how confidences are computed during inference. Currently, only one value is supported:

    • softmax: Confidences are in the range [0, 1] (old behavior and current default). Computed similarities are normalized with the softmax activation function.
  • use_gpu: This parameter defines whether a GPU (if available) will be used training. By default, TEDPolicy will be trained on GPU if a GPU is available (i.e. use_gpu is True). To enforce that TEDPolicy uses only the CPU for training, set use_gpu to False.

The above configuration parameters are the ones you should configure to fit your model to your data. However, additional parameters exist that can be adapted.

More configurable parameters
| Parameter | Default Value | Description |
| hidden_layers_sizes | text: [] | Hidden layer sizes for layers before the embedding layers |
| | action_text: [] | for user messages and bot messages in previous actions |
| | label_action_text: [] | and labels. The number of hidden layers is |
| | | equal to the length of the corresponding list. |
| dense_dimension | text: 128 | Dense dimension for sparse features to use after they are |
| | action_text: 128 | converted into dense features. |
| | label_action_text: 128 | |
| | intent: 20 | |
| | action_name: 20 | |
| | label_action_name: 20 | |
| | entities: 20 | |
| | slots: 20 | |
| | active_loop: 20 | |
| concat_dimension | text: 128 | Common dimension to which sequence and sentence features of |
| | action_text: 128 | different dimensions get converted before concatenation. |
| | label_action_text: 128 | |
| encoding_dimension | 50 | Dimension size of embedding vectors |
| | | before the dialogue transformer encoder. |
| transformer_size | text: 128 | Number of units in user text sequence transformer encoder. |
| | action_text: 128 | Number of units in bot text sequence transformer encoder. |
| | label_action_text: 128 | Number of units in bot text sequence transformer encoder. |
| | dialogue: 128 | Number of units in dialogue transformer encoder. |
| number_of_transformer_layers | text: 1 | Number of layers in user text sequence transformer encoder. |
| | action_text: 1 | Number of layers in bot text sequence transformer encoder. |
| | label_action_text: 1 | Number of layers in bot text sequence transformer encoder. |
| | dialogue: 1 | Number of layers in dialogue transformer encoder. |
| number_of_attention_heads | 4 | Number of self-attention heads in transformers. |
| unidirectional_encoder | True | Use a unidirectional or bidirectional encoder |
| | | for `text`, `action_text`, and `label_action_text`. |
| use_key_relative_attention | False | If 'True' use key relative embeddings in attention. |
| use_value_relative_attention | False | If 'True' use value relative embeddings in attention. |
| max_relative_position | None | Maximum position for relative embeddings. |
| batch_size | [64, 256] | Initial and final value for batch sizes. |
| | | Batch size will be linearly increased for each epoch. |
| | | If constant `batch_size` is required, pass an int, e.g. `8`. |
| batch_strategy | "balanced" | Strategy used when creating batches. |
| | | Can be either 'sequence' or 'balanced'. |
| epochs | 1 | Number of epochs to train. |
| random_seed | None | Set random seed to any 'int' to get reproducible results. |
| learning_rate | 0.001 | Initial learning rate for the optimizer. |
| embedding_dimension | 20 | Dimension size of dialogue & system action embedding vectors.|
| number_of_negative_examples | 20 | The number of incorrect labels. The algorithm will minimize |
| | | their similarity to the user input during training. |
| similarity_type | "auto" | Type of similarity measure to use, either 'auto' or 'cosine' |
| | | or 'inner'. |
| loss_type | "cross_entropy" | The type of the loss function, either 'cross_entropy' |
| | | or 'margin'. |
| ranking_length | 0 | Number of top actions to include in prediction. Confidences |
| | | of all other actions will be set to 0. Set to 0 to let the |
| | | prediction include confidences for all actions. |
| renormalize_confidences | False | Normalize the top predictions. Applicable only with loss |
| | | type 'cross_entropy' and 'softmax' confidences. |
| maximum_positive_similarity | 0.8 | Indicates how similar the algorithm should try to make |
| | | embedding vectors for correct labels. |
| | | Should be 0.0 < ... < 1.0 for 'cosine' similarity type. |
| maximum_negative_similarity | -0.2 | Maximum negative similarity for incorrect labels. |
| | | Should be -1.0 < ... < 1.0 for 'cosine' similarity type. |
| use_maximum_negative_similarity | True | If 'True' the algorithm only minimizes maximum similarity |
| | | over incorrect intent labels, used only if 'loss_type' is |
| | | set to 'margin'. |
| scale_loss | True | Scale loss inverse proportionally to confidence of correct |
| | | prediction. |
| regularization_constant | 0.001 | The scale of regularization. |
| negative_margin_scale | 0.8 | The scale of how important it is to minimize the maximum |
| | | similarity between embeddings of different labels. |
| drop_rate_dialogue | 0.1 | Dropout rate for embedding layers of dialogue features. |
| | | Value should be between 0 and 1. |
| | | The higher the value the higher the regularization effect. |
| drop_rate_label | 0.0 | Dropout rate for embedding layers of label features. |
| | | Value should be between 0 and 1. |
| | | The higher the value the higher the regularization effect. |
| drop_rate_attention | 0.0 | Dropout rate for attention. Value should be between 0 and 1. |
| | | The higher the value the higher the regularization effect. |
| connection_density | 0.2 | Connection density of the weights in dense layers. |
| | | Value should be between 0 and 1. |
| use_sparse_input_dropout | True | If 'True' apply dropout to sparse input tensors. |
| use_dense_input_dropout | True | If 'True' apply dropout to sparse features after they are |
| | | converted into dense features. |
| evaluate_every_number_of_epochs | 20 | How often to calculate validation accuracy. |
| | | Set to '-1' to evaluate just once at the end of training. |
| evaluate_on_number_of_examples | 0 | How many examples to use for hold out validation set. |
| | | Large values may hurt performance, e.g. model accuracy. |
| | | Keep at 0 if your data set contains a lot of unique examples |
| | | of dialogue turns. |
| | | Set to 0 for no validation. |
| tensorboard_log_directory | None | If you want to use tensorboard to visualize training |
| | | metrics, set this option to a valid output directory. You |
| | | can view the training metrics after training in tensorboard |
| | | via 'tensorboard --logdir <path-to-given-directory>'. |
| tensorboard_log_level | "epoch" | Define when training metrics for tensorboard should be |
| | | logged. Either after every epoch ('epoch') or for every |
| | | training step ('batch'). |
| checkpoint_model | False | Save the best performing model during training. Models are |
| | | stored to the location specified by `--out`. Only the one |
| | | best model will be saved. |
| | | Requires `evaluate_on_number_of_examples > 0` and |
| | | `evaluate_every_number_of_epochs > 0` |
| e2e_confidence_threshold | 0.5 | The threshold that ensures that end-to-end is picked only if |
| | | the policy is confident enough. |
| featurizers | [] | List of featurizer names (alias names). Only features |
| | | coming from the listed names are used. If list is empty |
| | | all available features are used. |
| entity_recognition | True | If 'True' entity recognition is trained and entities are |
| | | extracted. |
| constrain_similarities | False | If `True`, applies sigmoid on all similarity terms and adds |
| | | it to the loss function to ensure that similarity values are |
| | | approximately bounded. |
| | | Used only when `loss_type=cross_entropy`. |
| model_confidence | "softmax" | Affects how model's confidence for each action |
| | | is computed. Currently, only one value is supported: |
| | | 1. `softmax` - Similarities between input and action |
| | | embeddings are post-processed with a softmax function, |
| | | as a result of which confidence for all labels sum up to 1. |
| BILOU_flag | True | If 'True', additional BILOU tags are added to entity labels. |
| split_entities_by_comma | True | Splits a list of extracted entities by comma to treat each |
| | | one of them as a single entity. Can either be `True`/`False` |
| | | globally, or set per entity type, such as: |
| | | ``` |
| | | - name: TEDPolicy |
| | | split_entities_by_comma: |
| | | address: True |
| | | ``` |

The parameter maximum_negative_similarity is set to a negative value to mimic the original starspace algorithm in the case maximum_negative_similarity = maximum_positive_similarity and use_maximum_negative_similarity = False. See starspace paper for details.


In addition to the config parameters above, TEDPolicy prediction performance and training time are affected by the --augmentation argument of the rasa train command. For more information see Data Augmentation.

UnexpecTED Intent Policy

New in 2.8

This feature is experimental. We introduce experimental features to get feedback from our community, so we encourage you to try it out! However, the functionality might be changed or removed in the future. If you have feedback (positive or negative) please share it with us on the Rasa Forum.

UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy helps you review conversations and also allows your bot to react to unlikely user turns. It is an auxiliary policy that should only be used in conjunction with at least one other policy, as the only action that it can trigger is the special action_unlikely_intent action.

UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy has the same model architecture as TEDPolicy. The difference is at a task level. Instead of learning the best action to be triggered next, UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy learns the set of intents that are most likely to be expressed by the user given the conversation context from training stories. It uses the learned information at inference time by checking if the predicted intent by NLU is the most likely intent. If the intent predicted by NLU is indeed likely to occur given the conversation context, UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy does not trigger any action. Otherwise, it triggers an action_unlikely_intent with a confidence of 1.00.

UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy should be viewed as an aid for TEDPolicy. Since, TEDPolicy is expected to improve with better coverage of unique conversation paths that the assistant is expected to handle in the training data, UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy helps to surface these unique conversation paths from past conversations. For example, if you had the following story in your training data:

- story: book_restaurant_table
- intent: request_restaurant
- action: restaurant_form
- active_loop: restaurant_form
- action: restaurant_form
- active_loop: null
- slot_was_set:
- requested_slot: null

but an actual conversation might encounter interjections inside the form which you haven't accounted for:

- story: actual_conversation
- user: |
I'm looking for a restaurant.
intent: request_restaurant
- action: restaurant_form
- active_loop: restaurant_form
- slot_was_set:
- requested_slot: cuisine
- user: |
Does it matter? I want to be quick.
intent: deny

As soon as the deny intent gets triggered, the policy handling the form will keep requesting for the cuisine slot to be filled, as the training stories don't say that this case should be treated differently. To help you identify that a special story that handles the user's deny intent might be missing at this point, UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy can trigger an action_unlikely_intent action right after deny intent. Subsequently, you can improve your assistant by adding a new training story that handles this particular case.

To reduce false warnings, UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy has two mechanisms in place at inference time:

  1. UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy's priority is intentionally kept lower than all rule based policies since rules may exist for situations that are novel for TEDPolicy or UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy.

  2. UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy does not predict an action_unlikely_intent if the last predicted intent isn't present in any of the training stories, which might happen if an intent is only used in rules.

Prediction of action_unlikely_intent

UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy is invoked immediately after a user utterance and can either trigger action_unlikely_intent or abstain (in which case other policies will predict actions). To determine if action_unlikely_intent should be triggered, UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy computes a score for the user's intent in the current dialogue context and checks if this score is below a certain threshold score.

This threshold score is computed by collecting the ML model's output on many "negative examples". These negative examples are combinations of dialogue contexts and user intents that are incorrect. UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy generates these negative examples from your training data by picking a random story part and pairing it with a random intent that doesn't occur at this point. For example, if you had just one training story:

version: 2.0
- story: happy path 1
- intent: greet
- action: utter_greet
- intent: mood_great
- action: utter_goodbye

and an intent affirm, then a valid negative example will be:

version: 2.0
- story: negative example with affirm unexpected
- intent: greet
- action: utter_greet
- intent: affirm

Here, affirm intent is unexpected as it doesn't occur in this particular conversation context across all training stories. For each intent, UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy uses these negative examples to figure out the range of scores the model predicts. The threshold score is picked from this range of scores in such a way that the predicted score for a certain percentage of negative examples is higher than the threshold score and hence action_unlikely_intent is not triggered for them. This percentage of negative examples can be controlled by the tolerance parameter. The higher the tolerance, the lower the intent's score (the more unlikely the intent) needs to be before UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy triggers the action_unlikely_intent action.


You can pass configuration parameters to the UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy using the config.yml file. If you want to fine-tune model's performance, start by modifying the following parameters:

  • epochs: This parameter sets the number of times the algorithm will see the training data (default: 1). One epoch is equals to one forward pass and one backward pass of all the training examples. Sometimes the model needs more epochs to learn properly. Sometimes more epochs don't influence the performance. The lower the number of epochs the faster the model is trained. Here is how the config would look like:

    - name: UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy
    epochs: 200
  • max_history: This parameter controls how much dialogue history the model looks at before making an inference. Default max_history for this policy is None, which means that the complete dialogue history since session (re)start is taken into account. If you want to limit the model to only see a certain number of previous dialogue turns, you can set max_history to a finite value. Please note that you should pick max_history carefully, so that the model has enough previous dialogue turns to create a correct prediction. Depending on your dataset, higher values of max_history can result in more frequent prediction of action_unlikely_intent as the number of unique possible conversation paths increases as more dialogue context is taken into account. Similarly, lowering the value of max_history can result in action_unlikely_intent being triggered less often but can also be a stronger indicator that the corresponding conversation path is highly unique and hence unexpected. We recommend you to set the max_history of UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy equal to that of TEDPolicy. Here is how the config would look like:

    - name: UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy
    max_history: 8
  • ignore_intents_list: This parameter lets you configure UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy to not predict action_unlikely_intent for a subset of intents. You might want to do this if you come across a certain list of intents for which there are too many false warnings generated.

  • tolerance: The tolerance parameter is a number that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive). It helps to adjust the threshold score used during prediction of action_unlikely_intent at inference time.

    Here, 0.0 means that the threshold score will be adjusted in such a way that 0% of negative examples encountered during training are predicted with a score lower than the threshold score. Hence, conversation contexts from all negative examples will trigger an action_unlikely_intent action.

    A tolerance of 0.1 means that the threshold score will be adjusted in a way such that 10% of negative examples encountered during training are predicted with a score lower than the threshold score.

    A tolerance of 1.0 means that the threshold score is so low that UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy would not trigger action_unlikely_intent for any of the negative examples that it has encountered during training.

  • use_gpu: This parameter defines whether a GPU (if available) will be used training. By default, UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy will be trained on GPU if a GPU is available (i.e. use_gpu is True). To enforce that UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy uses only the CPU for training, set use_gpu to False.

The above configuration parameters are the ones you should try tweaking according to your use case and training data. However, additional parameters exist that you could adapt.

More configurable parameters
| Parameter | Default Value | Description |
| hidden_layers_sizes | text: [] | Hidden layer sizes for layers before the embedding layers |
| | | for user messages and bot messages in previous actions |
| | | and labels. The number of hidden layers is |
| | | equal to the length of the corresponding list. |
| dense_dimension | text: 128 | Dense dimension for sparse features to use after they are |
| | intent: 20 | converted into dense features. |
| | action_name: 20 | |
| | label_intent: 20 | |
| | entities: 20 | |
| | slots: 20 | |
| | active_loop: 20 | |
| concat_dimension | text: 128 | Common dimension to which sequence and sentence features of |
| | | different dimensions get converted before concatenation. |
| encoding_dimension | 50 | Dimension size of embedding vectors |
| | | before the dialogue transformer encoder. |
| transformer_size | text: 128 | Number of units in user text sequence transformer encoder. |
| | dialogue: 128 | Number of units in dialogue transformer encoder. |
| number_of_transformer_layers | text: 1 | Number of layers in user text sequence transformer encoder. |
| | dialogue: 1 | Number of layers in dialogue transformer encoder. |
| number_of_attention_heads | 4 | Number of self-attention heads in transformers. |
| unidirectional_encoder | True | Use a unidirectional or bidirectional encoder |
| | | for `text`, `action_text`, and `label_action_text`. |
| use_key_relative_attention | False | If 'True' use key relative embeddings in attention. |
| use_value_relative_attention | False | If 'True' use value relative embeddings in attention. |
| max_relative_position | None | Maximum position for relative embeddings. |
| batch_size | [64, 256] | Initial and final value for batch sizes. |
| | | Batch size will be linearly increased for each epoch. |
| | | If constant `batch_size` is required, pass an int, e.g. `8`. |
| batch_strategy | "balanced" | Strategy used when creating batches. |
| | | Can be either 'sequence' or 'balanced'. |
| epochs | 1 | Number of epochs to train. |
| random_seed | None | Set random seed to any 'int' to get reproducible results. |
| learning_rate | 0.001 | Initial learning rate for the optimizer. |
| embedding_dimension | 20 | Dimension size of dialogue & system action embedding vectors.|
| number_of_negative_examples | 20 | The number of incorrect labels. The algorithm will minimize |
| | | their similarity to the user input during training. |
| ranking_length | 10 | Number of top actions to normalize scores for. Applicable |
| | | only with loss type 'cross_entropy' and 'softmax' |
| | | confidences. Set to 0 to disable normalization. |
| scale_loss | True | Scale loss inverse proportionally to confidence of correct |
| | | prediction. |
| regularization_constant | 0.001 | The scale of regularization. |
| drop_rate_dialogue | 0.1 | Dropout rate for embedding layers of dialogue features. |
| | | Value should be between 0 and 1. |
| | | The higher the value the higher the regularization effect. |
| drop_rate_label | 0.0 | Dropout rate for embedding layers of label features. |
| | | Value should be between 0 and 1. |
| | | The higher the value the higher the regularization effect. |
| drop_rate_attention | 0.0 | Dropout rate for attention. Value should be between 0 and 1. |
| | | The higher the value the higher the regularization effect. |
| use_sparse_input_dropout | True | If 'True' apply dropout to sparse input tensors. |
| use_dense_input_dropout | True | If 'True' apply dropout to sparse features after they are |
| | | converted into dense features. |
| evaluate_every_number_of_epochs | 20 | How often to calculate validation accuracy. |
| | | Set to '-1' to evaluate just once at the end of training. |
| evaluate_on_number_of_examples | 0 | How many examples to use for hold out validation set. |
| | | Large values may hurt performance, e.g. model accuracy. |
| | | Keep at 0 if your data set contains a lot of unique examples |
| | | of dialogue turns. |
| tensorboard_log_directory | None | If you want to use tensorboard to visualize training |
| | | metrics, set this option to a valid output directory. You |
| | | can view the training metrics after training in tensorboard |
| | | via 'tensorboard --logdir <path-to-given-directory>'. |
| tensorboard_log_level | "epoch" | Define when training metrics for tensorboard should be |
| | | logged. Either after every epoch ('epoch') or for every |
| | | training step ('batch'). |
| checkpoint_model | False | Save the best performing model during training. Models are |
| | | stored to the location specified by `--out`. Only the one |
| | | best model will be saved. |
| | | Requires `evaluate_on_number_of_examples > 0` and |
| | | `evaluate_every_number_of_epochs > 0` |
| featurizers | [] | List of featurizer names (alias names). Only features |
| | | coming from the listed names are used. If list is empty |
| | | all available features are used. |
| ignore_intents_list | [] | This parameter lets you configure `UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy` to ignore|
| | | the prediction of `action_unlikely_intent` for a subset of |
| | | intents. You might want to do this if you come across a |
| | | certain list of intents for which there are too many false |
| | | warnings generated. |
| tolerance | 0.0 | The `tolerance` parameter is a number that ranges from `0.0` |
| | | to `1.0` (inclusive). It helps to adjust the threshold score |
| | | used during prediction of `action_unlikely_intent` at |
| | | inference time. Here, `0.0` means that the score threshold |
| | | is the one that `UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy` had determined at training |
| | | time. A tolerance of `1.0` means that the threshold score |
| | | is so low that `IntentTED` would not trigger |
| | | `action_unlikely_intent` for any of the "negative examples" |
| | | that it has encountered during training. These negative |
| | | examples are combinations of dialogue contexts and user |
| | | intents that are _incorrect_. `UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy` generates |
| | | these negative examples from your training data by picking a |
| | | random story part and pairing it with a random intent that |
| | | doesn't occur at this point. |

Tuning the tolerance parameter

When reviewing real conversations, we encourage you to tune the tolerance parameter in UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy's configuration to reduce the number of false warnings (intents that actually are likely given the conversation context). As you increase the value of tolerance from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.05, the number of false warnings should decrease. However, increasing the tolerance will also result in fewer triggers of action_unlikely_intent and hence more conversation paths not present in training stories will be missing in the set of flagged conversations. If you change the max_history value and retrain a model, you might have to re-adjust the tolerance value as well.


UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy is only trained on stories and not rules from the training data.

Memoization Policy

The MemoizationPolicy remembers the stories from your training data. It checks if the current conversation matches the stories in your stories.yml file. If so, it will predict the next action from the matching stories of your training data with a confidence of 1.0. If no matching conversation is found, the policy predicts None with confidence 0.0.

When looking for a match in your training data, the policy will take the last max_history number of turns of the conversation into account. One “turn” includes the message sent by the user and any actions the assistant performed before waiting for the next message.

You can configure the number of turns the MemoizationPolicy should use in your configuration:

- name: "MemoizationPolicy"
max_history: 3

Augmented Memoization Policy

The AugmentedMemoizationPolicy remembers examples from training stories for up to max_history turns, just like the MemoizationPolicy. Additionally, it has a forgetting mechanism that will forget a certain amount of steps in the conversation history and try to find a match in your stories with the reduced history. It predicts the next action with confidence 1.0 if a match is found, otherwise it predicts None with confidence 0.0.

Slots and predictions

If you have dialogues where some slots that are set during prediction time might not be set in training stories (e.g. in training stories starting with a reminder, not all previous slots are set), make sure to add the relevant stories without slots to your training data as well.

Rule-based Policies

Rule Policy

The RulePolicy is a policy that handles conversation parts that follow a fixed behavior (e.g. business logic). It makes predictions based on any rules you have in your training data. See the Rules documentation for further information on how to define rules.

The RulePolicy has the following configuration options:

- name: "RulePolicy"
core_fallback_threshold: 0.3
core_fallback_action_name: action_default_fallback
enable_fallback_prediction: true
restrict_rules: true
check_for_contradictions: true
  • core_fallback_threshold (default: 0.3): Please see the fallback documentation for further information.

  • core_fallback_action_name (default: action_default_fallback): Please see the fallback documentation for further information.

  • enable_fallback_prediction (default: true): Please see the fallback documentation for further information.

  • check_for_contradictions (default: true): Before training, the RulePolicy will perform a check to make sure that slots and active loops set by actions are defined consistently for all rules. The following snippet contains an example of an incomplete rule:

    - rule: complete rule
    - intent: search_venues
    - action: action_search_venues
    - slot_was_set:
    - venues: [{"name": "Big Arena", "reviews": 4.5}]
    - rule: incomplete rule
    - intent: search_venues
    - action: action_search_venues

    In the second incomplete rule, action_search_venues should set the venues slot because it is set in complete rule, but this event is missing. There are several possible ways to fix this rule.

    In the case when action_search_venues can't find a venue and the venues slot should not be set, you should explicitly set the value of the slot to null. In the following story RulePolicy will predict utter_venues_not_found only if the slot venues is not set:

    - rule: fixes incomplete rule
    - intent: search_venues
    - action: action_search_venues
    - slot_was_set:
    - venues: null
    - action: utter_venues_not_found

    If you want the slot setting to be handled by a different rule or story, you should add wait_for_user_input: false to the end of the rule snippet:

    - rule: incomplete rule
    - intent: search_venues
    - action: action_search_venues
    wait_for_user_input: false

    After training, the RulePolicy will check that none of the rules or stories contradict each other. The following snippet is an example of two contradicting rules:

    - rule: Chitchat
    - intent: chitchat
    - action: utter_chitchat
    - rule: Greet instead of chitchat
    - intent: chitchat
    - action: utter_greet # `utter_greet` contradicts `utter_chitchat` from the rule above
  • restrict_rules (default: true): Rules are restricted to one user turn, but there can be multiple bot events, including e.g. a form being filled and its subsequent submission. Changing this parameter to false may result in unexpected behavior.

    Overusing rules

    Overusing rules for purposes outside of the recommended use cases will make it very hard to maintain your assistant as the complexity grows.

Configuring Policies

Max History

One important hyperparameter for Rasa policies is the max_history. This controls how much dialogue history the model looks at to decide which action to take next.

You can set the max_history by passing it to your policy in the policy configuration in your config.yml. The default value is None, which means that the complete dialogue history since session restart is taken in the account.

- name: TEDPolicy
max_history: 5
epochs: 200
batch_size: 50
max_training_samples: 300

RulePolicy doesn't have max history parameter, it always consider the full length of provided rules. Please see Rules for further information.

As an example, let's say you have an out_of_scope intent which describes off-topic user messages. If your bot sees this intent multiple times in a row, you might want to tell the user what you can help them with. So your story might look like this:

- story: utter help after 2 fallbacks
- intent: out_of_scope
- action: utter_default
- intent: out_of_scope
- action: utter_default
- intent: out_of_scope
- action: utter_help_message

For your model to learn this pattern, the max_history has to be at least 4.

If you increase your max_history, your model will become bigger and training will take longer. If you have some information that should affect the dialogue very far into the future, you should store it as a slot. Slot information is always available for every featurizer.

Data Augmentation

When you train a model, Rasa will create longer stories by randomly combining the ones in your stories files. Take the stories below as an example:

- story: thank
- intent: thankyou
- action: utter_youarewelcome
- story: say goodbye
- intent: goodbye
- action: utter_goodbye

You actually want to teach your policy to ignore the dialogue history when it isn't relevant and to respond with the same action no matter what happened before. To achieve this, individual stories are concatenated into longer stories. From the example above, data augmentation might produce a story by combining thank with say goodbye and then thank again, equivalent to:

- story: thank -> say goodbye -> thank
- intent: thankyou
- action: utter_youarewelcome
- intent: goodbye
- action: utter_goodbye
- intent: thankyou
- action: utter_youarewelcome

You can alter this behavior with the --augmentation flag, which allows you to set the augmentation_factor. The augmentation_factor determines how many augmented stories are subsampled during training. The augmented stories are subsampled before training since their number can quickly become very large, and you want to limit it. The number of sampled stories is augmentation_factor x10. By default augmentation_factor is set to 50, resulting in a maximum of 500 augmented stories.

--augmentation 0 disables all augmentation behavior. TEDPolicy is the only policy affected by augmentation. Other policies like MemoizationPolicy or RulePolicy automatically ignore all augmented stories (regardless of the augmentation_factor).

--augmentation is an important parameter when trying to reduce TEDPolicy training time. Reducing the augmentation_factor decreases the size of the training data and subsequently the time to train the policy. However, reducing the amount of data augmentation can also reduce the performance of TEDPolicy. We recommend using a memoization based policy along with TEDPolicy when reducing the amount of data augmentation to compensate.


In order to apply machine learning algorithms to conversational AI, you need to build up vector representations of conversations.

Each story corresponds to a tracker which consists of the states of the conversation just before each action was taken.

State Featurizers

Every event in a trackers history creates a new state (e.g. running a bot action, receiving a user message, setting slots). Featurizing a single state of the tracker has two steps:

  1. Tracker provides a bag of active features:

    • features indicating intents and entities, if this is the first state in a turn, e.g. it's the first action we will take after parsing the user's message. (e.g. [intent_restaurant_search, entity_cuisine] )

    • features indicating which slots are currently defined, e.g. slot_location if the user previously mentioned the area they're searching for restaurants.

    • features indicating the results of any API calls stored in slots, e.g. slot_matches

    • features indicating what the last bot action or bot utterance was (e.g. prev_action_listen)

    • features indicating if any loop is active and which one

  2. Convert all the features into numeric vectors:

    SingleStateFeaturizer uses the Rasa NLU pipeline to convert the intent and bot action names or bot utterances into numeric vectors. See the NLU Model Configuration documentation for the details on how to configure Rasa NLU pipeline.

    Entities, slots and active loops are featurized as one-hot encodings to indicate their presence.


If the domain defines the possible actions, [ActionGreet, ActionGoodbye], 4 additional default actions are added: [ActionListen(), ActionRestart(), ActionDefaultFallback(), ActionDeactivateForm()]. Therefore, label 0 indicates default action listen, label 1 default restart, label 2 a greeting and 3 indicates goodbye.

Tracker Featurizers

A policy can be trained to learn two kinds of labels -

  1. The next most appropriate action to be triggered by the assistant. For example, TEDPolicy is trained to do this.
  2. The next most likely intent that a user can express. For example, UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy is trained to learn this.

Hence, a tracker can be featurized to learn one of the labels mentioned above. Depending on the policy, the target labels correspond to bot actions or bot utterances represented as an index in a list of all possible actions or set of intents represented as an index in a list of all possible intents.

Tracker Featurizers come in three different flavours:

1. Full Dialogue

FullDialogueTrackerFeaturizer creates a numerical representation of stories to feed to a recurrent neural network where the whole dialogue is fed to a network and the gradient is backpropagated from all time steps. The target label is the most appropriate bot action or bot utterance which should be triggered in the context of the conversation. The TrackerFeaturizer iterates over tracker states and calls a SingleStateFeaturizer for each state to create numeric input features for a policy.

2. Max History

MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer operates very similarly to FullDialogueTrackerFeaturizer as it creates an array of previous tracker states for each bot action or bot utterance but with the parameter max_history defining how many states go into each row of input features. If max_history is not specified, the algorithm takes the whole length of a dialogue into account. Deduplication is performed to filter out duplicated turns (bot actions or bot utterances) in terms of their previous states.

For some algorithms a flat feature vector is needed, so input features should be reshaped to (num_unique_turns, max_history * num_input_features).

3. Intent Max History

IntentMaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer inherits from MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer. Since, it is used by UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy, the target labels that it creates are the intents that can be expressed by a user in the context of a conversation tracker. Unlike other tracker featurizers, there can be multiple target labels. Hence, it pads the list of target labels with a constant value (-1) on the right to return an equally sized list of target labels for each input conversation tracker.

Just like MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer, it also performs deduplication to filter out duplicated turns. However, it yields one featurized tracker per correct intent for the corresponding tracker. For example, if the correct labels for an input conversation tracker have the following indices - [0, 2, 4], then the featurizer will yield three pairs of featurized trackers and target labels. The featurized trackers will be identical to each other but the target labels in each pair will be [0, 2, 4], [4, 0, 2], [2, 4, 0].

Custom Policies

New in 3.0

Rasa 3.0 unified the implementation of NLU components and policies. This requires changes to custom policies written for earlier versions of Rasa Open Source. Please see the migration guide for a step-by-step guide for the migration.

You can also write custom policies and reference them in your configuration. In the example below, the last two lines show how to use a custom policy class and pass arguments to it. See the guide on custom graph components for a complete guide on custom policies.

- name: "TEDPolicy"
max_history: 5
epochs: 200
- name: "RulePolicy"
- name: ""
arg1: "..."